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Mission: Libya Political & Economics Consulting Organization


Working with a Political Consulting Organization


Behind those successful “political-strategic plans” or even “political action plans” must do everything right to end in a sweeping victory.


The success is how to manage the Libyan crisis, from issues goes from obscurity to being on the Libyan public radar than the conflicting Libyan political poles.


We have been seeing situations in the Libyan crisis not managed properly by some group of people that is why the Libyan Political & Economics consulting organization was created, is to represent the pivotal intersection between the conflicting political poles and the Libyan society as a whole in politics and public relations.


We try very hard to understand the public demands and the conflicting political poles and make it work for the benefit of both sides.


They’re often considered masters of spin, as a political consultancy that can take even a negative situation and turn it into a positive, whether it’s for the Libyans, conflicting political poles or foreign interest in Libya.

Libya Political & Economics Consulting Organization

Meet Ramzi Mavrakis: The Businessman, the Political & Economics writer behind "This is the “Great Country of Libya”.

This is a great opportunity for me to serve and write as well as give consultation about the country of Libya in two directions, politically as well as economically, in the issues of a great importance to the Libyan Society as whole, knowing that the world full of consulting firms claims expertise in these important sectors imaginable.

My goal is to provide to the country of Libya more than expertise consultation that provides solutions to the existing problems that are facing the State of Libya during the time of its political crisis and economic stagnation, but also my precise time, and ability to think wisely to the Libyan people in every corner of Libya.

Through the Political & Economics Organization, I will dedicate myself to the success and prosperity and development of Libya socially, publically and economically without asking for any returns what so ever from anyone.

I believe that the ultimate prosperity for the country of Libya is not based on the individuals or group expertise but rather on collective efforts of all Libyans inside and outside the country.

The Libyan Slogan of success will be lifted as high as the sky above us all “From each according to our ability to each according to our social success in one nation”.

The website of was created and dedicated to the success of all Libyans.

Ramzi Halim Mavrakis

Libya Political & Economics Consulting Organization


Wording from Ramzi Halim Mavrakis:


Come from a proud family “The Mavrakis Family” that has been involved in the business of Import & Export, Retailing Hardware, Readymade Clothing, and Fabrics as well as Real Estate Businesses in Benghazi City, Libya since the fifties.

Today Ramzi Halim Mavrakis is heading Retailing Stores and the Corporate Financial Management, and he is holding the position as the President and Chief Executive Officer for Halim Mavrakis, Incorporated in the United States of America since 1981.

The goal as an executive is to make fast, accurate and wise decisions in making implementation of projected plans, to minimize bureaucracy to accomplish corporate objectives.

High standard of management is required in an organization, truth, fairness interacted personality, merits in an organization are recommended for a precise delegation of authority with accountabilities.

Shall service my country Libya without and returns for as long as my ability can take me, to work for the Libyans.


Political Agenda:

To assist in helping to create a stable Libya with democratic institutions that has a political system stemmed from a Permanent and enduring National Libyan Constitution that will guarantee the rights of all Libyan citizens equally and indiscriminately.


To bring about the end bloodshed with the conflicting sides of rebels’ between east, west and the south of Libya, and to bring closer all the conflicting political poles to the Libyan society.

To negotiate with the European countries that have major concerns with the state of Libya regarding issues of migrants, wide open borders, and Libyan security.


Economics Agenda:


It is my humble expertise that will allow me to create more living wage jobs, with the creation of private sector that will have more business opportunities for anyone whom they wish to improve their family.

Proper education and schooling systems that allow our new generation become more productive and independent to benefit themselves and the Libyan society in many sectors needed.

Public safety is a must with a proper infrastructure to support our public roads and bridges, highways and transportation system.

Gun control, in particular, is public needs for the safety of the Libyan society as the whole and no one is immune from the weapons scattered all over the country of Libya.

To assist rebuild Libyan with the current Libyan Natural Resources available in the right and proper national political objective.

These are the top priority for me to strive very had to provide these objectives to help the Libyan government reality to act in this direction.

With the help of all Libyans citizens, we shall bring about decades of destruction to an end and start a new page in the Libyan society the new and Great Libya” and let us get things done.


Ramzi Mavrakis

September 30, 2017

Libya Political & Economics Consulting Organization

Meet Ramzi Mavrakis: The Businessman, the Political & Economics writer behind "This is the “Great Country of Libya”.

This is a great opportunity for me to serve and write as well as give consultation about the country of Libya in two directions, politically as well as economically, in the issues of a great importance to the Libyan Society as whole, knowing that the world full of consulting firms claims expertise in these important sectors imaginable.

My goal is to provide to the country of Libya more than expertise consultation that provides solutions to the existing problems that are facing the State of Libya during the time of its political crisis and economic stagnation, but also my precise time, and ability to think wisely to the Libyan people in every corner of Libya.

Through the Political & Economics Organization, I will dedicate myself to the success and prosperity and development of Libya socially, publically and economically without asking for any returns what so ever from anyone.

I believe that the ultimate prosperity for the country of Libya is not based on the individuals or group expertise but rather on collective efforts of all Libyans inside and outside the country.

The Libyan Slogan of success will be lifted as high as the sky above us all “From each according to our ability to each according to our social success in one nation”.

The website of was created and dedicated to the success of all Libyans.

Ramzi Halim Mavrakis

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